Everything but the Moo | God's World News
Everything but the Moo
Critter File
Posted: November 01, 2021


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Cows—gotta have ’em! These beasts are good for more than milk and steaks. God made them walking suppliers of all sorts of useful things. It is said that 100% of a cow can be used—everything but the moo.

Makeup and face creams contain glycerin from tallow (cow fat). Ingredients for perfumes come from cows too. And they smell better than old Bessie ever did.

Bones and hooves are ground up and used in dog biscuits and animal feed. Guess where bone china dishes come from. Yep—cows again!

Don’t have a cow! Have the part that’s used in yogurt, ice cream, marshmallows, canned meat, and Jell-O. Gelatin comes from cow bones and hide. Some margarine is made from a mixture of vegetable oils and cow fat. It is often used in cookies and candies.

More than 100 important drugs come from cows. Insulin for diabetics is made from a cow’s pancreas. Drugs to treat allergies, anemia, leukemia, respiratory diseases, and thyroid problems come from cows. Heparin and thrombin are drugs used to control blood clotting. Rennet, a beef enzyme, helps infants digest milk. (It’s also used in turning milk into cheese.) Some cancer research depends on ingredients from a cow’s blood and lungs.

It takes guts to play the violin—cow guts, that is, for some strings. Film requires gelatin made from cow bones. Film is still used in motion picture production. So it took a cow to make . . . Godzilla?

It is He who made the Earth by His power, who established the world by His wisdom. — Jeremiah 10:12